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Find sources cited by this or backwards snowballing shows you resources that have been cited by the original key paper, mining the reference list to display results that the author used to inform the research.
When you click this symbol, it will open a new screen that shows you a list of the relevant articles Library Search found from within the paper.
This saves you time because you won't have to navigate to the key paper's reference list to individually search for, and find, the cited resources.
Note: the CDU Library may not have access to all of the relevant articles shown in this feature. If a resource is not available in the database, it will show a grey 'Click for request' option.
As you can see in this image, Library Search citation tracking found 95 references from the key paper's references/citations.
Although not all of these results are available in the Library database, once you have navigated to this screen you can select the references you believe are relevant to your research topic to view and study in more depth.
Another feature to take note of, is that several of the cited papers also have the red arrow symbols next to their titles.
This means, if you find a relevant article that could be helpful to your research, you can then decide to continue citation tracking from within your search.