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ResearchRabbit saves your collections and searches as you go.
Because the citation tracking tool requires an account be created, the users citation tracking activity is saved to their account.
However, there are several options for saving/exporting searches in other ways.
At the bottom of the citation tracking tool pop up, there is the option to 'Export Papers'.
Three export formats are avaialble: BibTex, RIS, and CSV.
Exporting searches in this manner will allow users to import them into referencing management software such as Endnote and Zotero.
Another saving option that uses referencing management software, is the option to connect your citation tracking activities directly to Zotero.
In the top left hand corner of the menu bar, there is a button that say 'Connect to Zotero'. Once clicked, you will be taken to sign in on the Zotero website.
You will need to have an account and (preferably) the software downloaded to use this function.
The final option for sharing citation tracking searches includes sharing options at the bottom of the citation tracking tool pop up in its own window. Users can choose to make the collection public, share the collection using a shareable link, and add collaborators to the collection.