08 8946 7016
+61 4 8885 0811 (text only)
With the first seed papers inputted, and a series of cited papers available, you can use these connected papers to create more seeds.
Select one of the cited papers (hint: the bigger the circle is, the more often it has been cited and the more relevant it may be to your research topic/focus area).
With the reference now highlighted. at the bottom of the left hand list, there is a button 'Add as seed'. Click this button to add the selected reference as a new seed paper.
The above image is what the new seed (previously cited) paper will look like on your screen.
As you can see, the cited paper has become a gold seed that has it's own reference connections.
Adding a paper as a seed paper allows you to view the references for this paper, and shows you how they may be connected to the greater network of seeds.
If you add a paper by mistake, or it is not useful as a seed paper, you can remove the paper as a seed.
Simply select the paper to highlight it in the left hand list, and beneath the reference information click 'Delete seed'.