Resources used to interpret legal abbreviations.
Case citations are tools that can help you quickly find a case by citation, party names, by year, jurisdiction, or by using keywords.
Commonwealth Law Reports (CLR). from 1903-
Federal Court Reports (FCR), from 1984-
Australian Capital Territory Reports (ACTR), from 1973-2008 (published in the Australian Law Reports (ALR's))
Australian Capital Territory Law Reports (ACTLR), from 2007-
State Reports New South Wales (SR (NSW)), from 1901-59.
New South Wales Reports (NSWR), from 1960-70.
New South Wales Law Report (NSWLR), from 1971-
Northern Territory Reports (NTR), from 1979-91 (published in the Australian Law Reports ALR))).
Northern Territory Law Reports (NTLR), from 1990-
State Reports Queensland (St R Qd), from 1902-57.
Queensland Reports, from 1958-
South Australia Law Reports (SALR), from 1899-1920.
South Australian State Reports (SASR) 1921-
Tasmanian Law Reports (Tas LR), from 1904-40.
Tasmanian State Reports (Tas SR), from 1941-78.
Tasmanian Reports (Tas R), from 1979-
Victorian Law Reports (VLR), from 1875-1956.
Victorian Reports (VR), from 1957-
Western Australian Law Reports (WALR), from 1898-1958.
Western Australian Reports (WAR), from 1958-