Author-level metrics are citation metrics that measure your bibliometric impact. Author impact can be measured in a number of different ways:
- the number of publications written by you
- the number of citations to each of your publications
-Your H-Index is an author-level metric that measures both the productivity and citation impact of your publications . It is based on the set of your most cited papers and the number of citations that these papers have received in other publications
This data can be sources from the following citation databases and Google Scholar:
A measure of the whole-career productivity and impact of an author’s publications based on the total number of publications and citations received per publication. The H- index allows an author to show that they have a range of papers with good levels of citation rather than one or two outliers vith very high citations.
For example:
Having a H-index of 6 means that you have 6 papers that are cited at least 6 times by other researchers.