An article's impact can be measured by the number of times it has been cited. You can measure article metrics by Field of Research (FoR) codes and can compare yourself with the Australian and Global average. Here are the tools that can be used to find this data:
Citation Count - Number of citations a document has received.
Field-weighted citation impact (FWCI) - this metric compares the total citations actually received by a researcher's publications to the average number of citations received by all other similar publications from the same research field. The global average of the FWCI is 1.0, so and an FWCI of 1.5 means that output is cited 50% more than expected according to the global average.
Citation benchmarking percentile - A measure of how the number of citations received by a document compare with the average for documents of similar type, date of publication, and field of research within an 18 month period. A document in the 99th percentile is in the top 1% globally