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CDU APA Referencing: Missing Information?

A guide to help you better understand CDU APA 7th Referencing

A colourful line border

Missing Solution
Nothing - all elements are present

Provide the author, date, title, and source of the work.

Note: reference as per resource type as above


Author. (Date). Title. Source.

In-text Citation:

(Author, year) OR Author (year)


Provide the title, date, and source.


Title. (Date). Source.

In-text Citation:

(Title, year) OR Title (year)


Provide the author, write “n.d.” for “no date”, and then provide the title and source.


Author. (n.d.). Title. Source.

In-text Citation:

(Author, n.d.) OR Author (n.d.)


Provide the author and date, describe the work in square brackets, and then provide the source.


Author. (Date). [Description of work]. Source.

In-text Citation:

(Author, year) OR Author (year)

Author and date

Provide the title, write “n.d.” for “no date”, and then provide the source.


Title. (n.d.). Source.

In-text Citation:

(Title, n.d.) OR Title (n.d.)

Author and title

Describe the work in square brackets, and then provide the date and source.


[Description of work]. (Date). Source.

In-text Citation:

([Description of work], year) OR [Description of work] (year)

Date and title

Provide the author, write “n.d.” for “no date”, describe the work in square brackets, and then provide the source.


Author. (n.d.). [Description of work]. Source.

In-text Citation:

(Author, n.d.) OR Author (n.d.)

Reproduced from: American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological
      Association (7th ed., p. 284).

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APA 7th resources

The American Psychological Association's APA website has comprehensive styles guidelines by topic and an informative blog:

You can also consult the print edition of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association available via Library Search.

Helpful links

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