Citation Elements
Journal article
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of article. Journal Title, volume number(issue number), page range. OR URL |
Newspaper article
Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year, Month Day). Article title: Subtitle. Newspaper Title. URL |
Reference Examples
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: (Birbilis, 2018) OR Birbilis (2018) |
Birbilis, J. (2018). When psychology and politics commingle. Journal of Clinical Psychology, 74(5), 730-733. |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: (Levenson, 2017) OR Levenson (2017) |
Levenson, J. (2017). Trauma-informed social work practice. Social Work, 62(2), 105–113. |
Applies to articles from: Cochrane; Joanna Briggs Institute; Nursing Reference Center Plus; UpToDate |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: (Walsh et al., 2019) OR Walsh et al. (2019) |
Walsh, A., Perrem, L., Khashan, A. S., Henry, M. T., & Ni Chroinin, M. (2019). Statins versus placebo for people with chronic obstructive pulmonary disease. Cochrane Database of Systematic Reviews. |
In-text citation: (Nguyen, 2017) OR Nguyen (2017) |
Nguyen, D. H. (2017). Wound packing: Clinical information. Joanna Briggs Institute, Evidence Summary, Article JBI241. |
In-text citation: (Pilgrim & Oji, 2018) OR Pilgrim and Oji (2018) |
Pilgrim, J., & Oji, O. (2018). Pulmonary disease, chronic obstructive (COPD): Smoking cessation. Nursing Reference Center Plus, Evidence-Based Care Sheet. |
In-text citation: (Bordeaux & Lieberman, 2020) OR Bordeaux and Lieberman (2020) |
Bordeaux, B., & Lieberman, H. R. (2020). Benefits and risks of caffeine and caffeinated beverages. UpToDate. Retrieved February 26, 2020, from |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: (Bailey & Shaw, 2020) OR Bailey and Shaw (2020) |
Bailey, I. B., & Shaw, P. M. (2020). Abdominal aorta repair. StatPearls. Retrieved May 4, 2022 from |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: (Laskowski et al., 2020) OR Laskowski et al. (2020) |
Laskowski, M., Schioler, L., Gustafsson, H., Wennberg, A.-M., Aberg, M., & Toren, K. (2021). Cardiorespiratory fitness in late adolescence and long-term risk of psoriasis and psoriatic arthritis among Swedish men. PLOS ONE 16(1), Article e0243348. |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: (Piaget, 1970/1972) OR Piaget (1970/1972) |
Piaget, J. (1972). Intellectual evolution from adolescence to adulthood (J. Bliss & H. Furth, Trans.). Human Development, 15(1), 1-12. (Original work published 1970) |
Reference list layout:
Author, A. A. (Year). Article title (Translator initial. Family name, Trans.). Journal Title, volume(issue), page numbers. DOI if available (Original work published year) |
Note: for the in-text citation include first the original publish date and then the translated version publish date |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: (Eckert & Biermann-Ratjen, 2020) OR Eckert and Biermann-Ratjen (2020) |
Eckert, J., & Biermann-Ratjen, E.-M. (2020). Gesprächspsychotherapie in PatientInnen mit einer Borderline-Persönlichkeitsstörung [Person-centred psychotherapy with patients with a broderie personality disorder]. Psychotherapie Forum, 24, 108-114. |
Reference list layout: Author, A. A. (Year). Article title [English title]. Journal Title, volume(issue), page numbers. DOI if available |
EndNote Reference Type: Newspaper article
In-text citation: Parnell (2018) OR (Parnell, 2018) |
Parnell, S. (2018, October 11). Health risk with early obesity. The Australian. |
In-text citation: "Australian Special Forces" (2018) OR ("Australian Special Forces", 2018) |
Australian special forces soldiers could be prosecuted under rarely-used war crime laws. (2020, December 11). Herald Sun. |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: Chau (2019) OR (Chau, 2019) |
Chau, H. S. (2019). Producing (im)mobilities in home care for the elderly. International Journal of Ageing and Later Life, 13(2), 23-50. |
Note: Reference as per the original resource type. If the lecturer has cited a book, cite as a book; if they have cited an article, cite as an article. |
EndNote Reference Type: Conference paper
In-text citation: Garces (2017) OR (Garces, 2017) |
Garces, E. (2017, July 23). Regulation of digital and intangible assets [Paper presentation]. ACCC/AER Regulatory Conference, Brisbane, QLD, Australia.[1]us/conferences-events/accc-aer-regulatory-conference |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: Chen (2019) OR (Chen, 2019) |
Chen, T. (2019). Effective and efficient representation learning for graph structures [Doctoral thesis, University of California Los Angeles]. University of California. |
In-text citation: Taiyeb (2019) OR (Taiyeb, 2019) |
Taiyeb, A. (2019). Understanding external policy influences in Pakistani higher education (Publication No. 27539824) [Doctoral thesis, University of Toronto]. ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global |
Note: If a thesis was accessed through a search engine like Google, include a URL. If accessed through a database such as Proquest, don't include a URL. |
EndNote Reference Type: Thesis
Article before peer review: Not yet accepted for publication
In-text citation: Lippincott and Poindexter (2019) OR (Lippincott & Poindexter, 2019) |
Lippincott, T., & Poindexter, E. K. (2019). Emotion recognition as a function of facial cues: Implications for practice [Manuscript submitted for publication]. Department of Psychology, University of Washington. |
In press: Accepted & peer-reviewed but not yet published
In-text citation: Pachur and Scheibehenne (in press) OR (Pachur & Scheibehenne, in press) |
Pachur, T., & Scheibehenne, B. (in press). Unpacking buyer-seller differences in valuation from experience: A cognitive modelling approach. Psychonomic Bulletin & Review |
Note: It is recommended to use the published version of a paper if it is available. |
EndNote Reference Type: Journal article
In-text citation: Lee (2019) OR (Lee, 2019) |
Lee, C. (2019, October 1). The APA style blog of the future. American Psychological Association.[1]blog |
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