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CDU APA Referencing: Books & eBooks

A guide to help you better understand CDU APA 7th Referencing

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Citation Elements


Author, A. A., Author, B. B., & Author, C. C. (Year). Title of book: Subtitle (edition). Publisher. OR URL (if found online)

Chapter in an edited book

Author, A. A., & Author, B. B. (Year). Title of chapter. In A. A. Author(s) (Ed. OR Eds.), Title of book (ed., pp. xx-xx). Publisher.


  • When the author and publisher are the same, omit the name of the publisher
  • If an eBook is from a CDU Library database and does NOT have a DOI, do NOT include a URL
  • If an eBook was accessed through a search engine like Google, include a URL



Reference Examples

EndNote Reference Type: Book


In-text citation: (Megarrity, 2018) OR Megarrity (2018)

Megarrity, L. (2018). Northern dreams: The politics of northern development in Australia. Australian Scholarly Publishing.

In-text citation: Clive and John (2016) OR (Clive & John, 2016).

Clive, T., & John, T. (2016). Australian commercial law. Thomson Reuters.

In-text citation: Kerridge et al. (2013) OR (Kerridge et al., 2013)

Kerridge, I., Lowe, M., & Stewart, C. (2013). Ethics and law for the health professions (4th ed.). Federation Press.

In-text citation: American Psychiatric Association (2013) OR (American Psychiatric Association, 2013).

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders: DSM-5. (5th ed.).

EndNote Reference Type: Book


In-text Citation: American Psychiatric Association (2013) OR (American Psychiatric Association, 2013)

American Psychiatric Association. (2013). Diagnostic and statistical manual of mental disorders (5th ed.).

Note: use this format for an eBook with a DOI

In-text citation: Roberston (2017) OR (Robertson, 2017)

Robertson, M. (2017). Sustainability: Principles and practice (2nd ed.). Routledge.

Note: use this format for an eBook that does not have a DOI but is from CDU Library

EndNote Reference Type: Book


In-text citation: Smith (2015) OR (Smith, 2015)

Smith, J. A. (Ed.). (2015). Qualitative psychology: A practical guide to research methods (3rd ed.). Sage.

Note: For multiple authors use (Eds.) instead of (Ed.)

EndNote Reference Type: Book section


In-text citation: Germov (2015) OR (Germov, 2015)

Germov, J. (2019). Imagining health problems as social issues. In J. Germov (Ed.), Second opinion: An introduction to health sociology (6th ed., pp. 2-23). Oxford University Press.

In-text citation: Medved-Fisher (2020) OR (Medved-Fisher, 2020)

Medved-Fisher, J. (2020). Nursing care of people with diabetes mellitus. In G. Bauldoff, P. Gubrud, M.-A. Carno, T. Levett-Jones, M. Hales, K. Berry, K. Carville, T. Dwyer, N. Knox, L. Moxham, K. Reid-Searl, & D. Stanley (Eds.), LeMone and Burke’s medical-surgical nursing: Critical thinking for person-centred care (4th Australian ed., Vol. 1, pp. 557-594). Pearson Australia.

Note: This only applies if an author(s) is listed at the beginning of a chapter. Otherwise reference as a book.
Please see: Referencing a chapter video:

EndNote Reference Type: Book


In-text citation: Howitt and Cramer (2016) OR (Howitt & Cramer, 2016)

Howitt, D., & Cramer, D. (2016). Introduction to research methods in psychology (5th ed.). Pearson Australia.

EndNote Reference Type: Book


In-text citation: Mizrahi (2008) OR (Mizrahi, 2008)

Mizrahi, T. (2008). Encyclopedia of social work (20th ed., Vol. 1). Oxford University Press.

EndNote Reference Type: Book section


In-text citation: "Acid Rain" (2014) OR ("Acid Rain", 2014)

Acid rain. (2014). In D. Kemp (Ed.), The environment dictionary (pp. 3- 9). Routledge.

In-text citation: "Education" (2016) OR ("Education", 2016)

Education. (2016). In Retrieved January 5, 2017, from

EndNote Reference Type: Book


In-text citation: Freud (1900/2010) OR (Freud, 1900/2010)

Freud, S. (2010). The interpretation of dreams: The complete and definitive text (J. Strachey, Trans.). Basic Books. (Original work published 1900)

Reference list layout:

Author, A. A. (year). Title (Translator initial. Family name, Trans.; edition). Publisher. DOI if available (Original work published year)

Note: for the in-text citation, show the year of publication of the original work and then the year of publication of the translation, separated with a backslash /

EndNote Reference Type: Book


In-text citation: Molinari and Labella (2007) OR (Molinari & Labella, 2007)

Molinari, E., & Labella, A. (2007). Psicologia clinica: Dialoghi e confronti [Clinical psychology: Dialogue and confrontation]. Springer.

Reference list layout:

Author, A. A. (year). Title [English title]. Publisher. DOI

EndNote Reference Type: Book


In-text citation: Cancer Council Australia (2012) OR (Cancer Council Australia, 2012)

Cancer Council Australia. (2012). Skin cancer [Brochure].

Note: when the author and the publisher are the same, leave out the publisher name

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