To start your search think about what you will need to find, use the Search Strategy document below to start the planning and view the steps in each tab for a quick way of organising your search.
Understand your assignment task, look at your:
What other words can be used in place of your topic words? Explain the topic in your own words. What words do you use? Use the Australian Law Dictionary or Australian Legal Words and Phrases to find out if a word has been defined in the law.
Use your topic, your task, topic and limiting words and ask questions of your topic:
This will give you a better understanding of your topic.It will also help you to get an idea of how you might want to structure your assignment.
Consider brainstorming with another student or a group of students.
Write your ideas on a piece of paper, map your ideas, use a brainstorming app.
Now that you have developed a good understanding of your topic and have found keywords it is time to search CDU Library through Library Search.
Library Search- The main Library search box, this search tool will find hard copy books, eBooks, newspapers, and many journals
Databases- A searchable collection of journals and other material, often databases have a subject speciality, for example, Lexis Advance is used for Law.
Primary Sources- They contain the original or direct evidence of the law.
Secondary Sources- They contain a discussion of the law and can point you to the primary sources of law.
It is important to know the difference between primary and secondary sources of information as they require different search techniques to find.
Primary |
Secondary |
Cases, Legislation |
Books, Legal Encyclopedia, Journal Articles, Commentary |
Keywords- The main words that describe the topic you are looking for.
Boolean- A way of linking your keywords to help explain how they work together.
Watch this short video on picking out keywords. Build on using keywords but using Boolean in the next tab of this box.
Boolean Searching is a logic-based system that is used for online databases. See the document below that will explain how using Boolean can help you use your keywords to the maximum.
Watch this quick video on using Boolean:
Library Search- The main Library search box, this search tool will find hard copy books, eBooks, newspapers, and many journals
Databases- A searchable collection of journals and other material, often databases have a subject speciality, for example, Lexis Advance is used for Law.