What could me more frustrating than finding some journal artciles that are perfect for your essay topic but not being able to find them again?
When you find and select the information that you need, save it for later as you prepare to write.
You may like to;
- Save your sources (in PDF format) into a folder in the cloud or on your computer. Give the folder a logical name e.g. 'Assignment 1 Sources'.
- Save results in the 'pinned items' option in Library Search, or the folders option in many law databases.
- Write down the citation details of sources that you want to use- record the citation details in a document so you can find them again.
- Use software, like EndNote, to upload documents and keep a copy of the citation details.
- Use the Microsoft Excel Sheet below as a way of systematically recording resources that you find, this will assist you when you come to write your assignment.
Resource Review Grid