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Psychology Guide: Tests and measurements

This Guide has been created to help Psychology students find useful Library resources

APA PsycTests:

CDU Library provides access to the APA PsycTests database. You can access the database by clicking on the hyperlinked database title to go direct to the database, via the CDU Library A-Z Databases list from the Library homepage, or through the CDU Library catalogue:


When you find articles that mention certain tests or measurements, the articles may contain sections of the test itself or details on how to source the original tests. The following databases may help locate a test which has been referred to, even if you do not know the precise name. Articles may refer to certain tests, contain extracts of the test itself or contact details for obtaining copies. 


APA's finding tests page may be helpful.


​Subject Heading Search: 

Searching using subject heading allows greater precision as it includes all articles on a topic regardless of the terminology used. This table contains subject heading search suggestions for some Library databases.

Search for the name of the test itself but also try the acronym as well as the full name e.g. MMPI or Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory.

Keyword Search: Try the following keywords:

assessment* - questionnaire* - interview* - rating* - post-test* - scale* - measure* - test* - survey*.

To construct a more effective search strategy you should also add words on your topic e.g. ...and psych*, ...and antenatal* etc.

CINAHL Database of the literature of nursing and the allied health professions.


Under the search field 'publication type' specify 'interview', 'questionnaire/scale' or 'research instrument'.
Tip: you can choose more than one pub. type if you hold down the 'ctrl' key as you select them.

Subject headings include 'Research Instruments' and sub-headings: 

Instrument by name - if you know the exact test name use "..."
Instrument by type
Instrument construction
Instrument scaling
Instrument construction
Instrument validation     

MEDLINE International biomedical database with an emphasis on the US. produced by the US National Library of Medicine. Click the 'edit limits' button to access advanced limits in Medline. Under 'publication type' you can limit to 'interview' with a keyword search. Subject headings include: test, inventory, interview, measurement, assessment, psychological test, psychological rating scale and surveys.
WEB OF SCIENCE Database containing information gathered from thousands of scholarly journals in all areas of research.

A search of Web of Science searches across:

Science Citation Index Expanded 
Social Sciences Citation Index 
Arts & Humanities Citation Index
Search for the author of a test to find articles which refer to its use.

ERIC Education Resources Information Centre (ERIC).   Useful subject headings (descriptors) can be found in the ERIC thesaurus. These can be combined with relevant keywords for a more specific search. 
PSYCINFO From APA Large indexing and citation database in Psychology

Use TM: tests and measures field in advanced search

Restrict your search to articles that actually include a test instrument try adding the words AND APPENDED to your search strategy, eg pain AND (measure* OR test* OR score* OR scale* OR questionnaire OR assessment OR survey) AND appended

PROQUEST DISSERTATIONS AND THESES   Theses can include tests in the appendices Add the test/measurement/scale name to the search box. Add NEAR/[n] appendi* after eg. "Multi-Dimensional Intelligence Test" NEAR/4. This will help locate the test name within close proximity to the appendices, where they are most likely to be included.
Run the search.

Search PsycINFO for appended tests and measures

To locate articles that contain appended tests, add TM Appended to your search terms.

To limit to a particular published test (as mentioned in the “Tests and Measures” field), perform your search in the following way: TM Appended and TM “published test name”

For example, enter: TM Appended and TM Apperceptive Personality Test

This retrieves results for Apperceptive Personality Test(s) and limits to those that are appended.

“Appended” typically means one of three things:

  • The full instrument is included as an appendix to the article.
  • The items from the instrument are reproduced in a figure or table.
  • The items from the test are described in the methods section

from: Ebsco support site

Books in Library Search

There are some books and eBooks on the subject of psychological testing in the Library. Try an advanced search

Use truncation to widen your search, for example (test* AND psychol*) or (measur* AND educat* AND test*).

Some other useful terms might include assessment*, questionnaire*,  interview*, rating*, post-test*, scale*or survey*, criti*

Finding tests and measures in papers: PsycINFO

Online sources for tests

Some survey and test instruments are freely available on the web.

APA has a list of online testing sites here:

If you know the test you are looking for enclose the name inside "..." quotation marks.

A selection of online resources are here, try searching for them online:

The Assessment of Quality of Life (AQoL) Instrument 
The Calgary Depression Scale for Schizophrenia 
Cambridge Depersonalisation Scale 
Depression Anxiety Stress Scales - DASS 
Edinburgh Postnatal Depression Scale 
Geriatric Depression Scale 
Informant Questionnaire on Cognitive Decline in the Elderly (IQCODE) 
Internet Mental Health Quality of Life Scale: A Quality of Life Questionnaire 
Liebowitz Social Anxiety Scale 
The Liverpool University Neuroleptic Side Effect Rating Scale (LUNSERS) 
Maudsley Addiction Profile
Measuring the Promise: A Compendium of Recovery Measures, Volume II
Multnomah Community Ability Scale
Online Depression Screening Test 
Psychiatric Rating Scales Index 
Psychogeriatric Assessment Scales 
Quality of Life Index (QLI) 
Quality of Life Scale (QOLS) 
RAND Health Surveys and Tools 
Recovery Oriented Systems Indicators (ROSI) 
Rosenberg Self-Esteem Scale 
Sarason Questionnaires 
Spence Children's Anxiety Scale (SCAS) 
Stony Brook Attachment Measures 
Strengths and Difficulties Questionnaire (SDQ) 
Thought Control Questionnaire (TCQ) 
WHOQoL Instrument Downloads : Centre for Participant Report Outcomes : The University of Melbourne 

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