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EndNote Guide: Combining Thesis Chapters

Combining Thesis Chapters

  1. Make a copy of each chapter as a separate Word document so you can always return to the originals if something goes wrong. Give them a name such as chap1copy.doc, chap2copy.doc and so on.

If you've been using Instant Formatting, each chapter will have formatted in-text citations like this: (Jones, 1957), with a bibliography at the end of each chapter.

  1. Open each chapter or document to be combined.
  2. In the EndNote menu in Word:
    1. Mac: Select Tools > Convert to Unformatted Citations.
    2. Windows: Select Convert Citations and Bibliography > Convert to Unformatted Citations.

  3. This will remove the reference list and change the references in the text into their unformatted form eg. {Collins, 2021 #63}. Do not panic!
  1. Create and save a new document eg. thesis-final.docx.
  2. For the first chapter or document to be added, select the whole document (Win: Ctrl+A; Mac: Cmd+A). 
  3. Copy and paste it into the blank document. Continue copying and pasting each chapter or document in the relevant order until they are all added.
  4. From the EndNote menu in Word, click Update Citations and Bibliography.
  5. EndNote will format all the references and create a single reference list at the end. 
  6. Save the changes.

Note: when you unformat citations it disables Instant Formatting in Word. If you would like to restore this, on the EndNote tab click on the small down arrow to the right of Bibliography so you can change your preferences. When the dialogue box opens up, click on the Instant Formatting tab, click on Turn On and then on OK.

When you are ready to submit your thesis the final step is to remove the EndNote field codes. These codes link your documents with your EndNote library.

  1. Create a copy of your document and give it a new name such as thesis_unlinked.doc - this will ensure that your original document (eg. thesis_master.doc) remains linked to EndNote.
  2. Open the copy of your document that you just created. In the EndNote tab, choose Convert Citations and Bibliography Convert to Plain Text.
  3. A warning will pop up reminding you that you should be working with a copy. If your master document is safe and you are working with a copy, click Continue. All EndNote formatting is removed from your document and it is now a plain text Word document. 

Note: This is not your thesis_master.doc. Should you need to make any changes to your references after this you must use thesis_master.doc which is still linked to EndNote. Then repeat the steps above. 

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