If you have been asked to find academic, credible or peer reviewed information Library Search is a great place to start.
If you know the EXACT title of the resource, enclose it in quotation marks, e.g. "The road to social work and human service practice".
Use quotation marks around an EXACT phrase e.g. "mental health".
If you are looking for topics use keywords, e.g., "mental health" AND "social work".
Advanced search is not harder but it is a more visual search.
When you want to combine your search terms using Boolean operators, advanced search can help you plan and organise your search and identify weak points.
To start with Advanced Search, click the button to the right of the general search bar.
When you are searching with advanced search, you need to know how to use your Boolean operators and search techniques.
See this image below for an example of an advanced search in Library search.
08 8946 7016
+61 4 8885 0811 (text only)
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