This reader-friendly guide presents good news for parents & teachers of children with developmental phonological disorders, the group of language disorders that affect a child's ability to develop speech that is easily understood by the time they are four years old.
Intended as a practical approach to helping children who have spoken language difficulties because of general language delay or specific language impairment, this book contains ideas and activity sheets as well as structured guidance.
Provides an overview of the major neurogenically caused speech and language disorders in adults. The authors, with a combined 80 years of clinical expertise, incorporate case studies associated with each of the neurogenic communication disorders.
With expanded and updated information including current techniques, approaches, and case studies, the 2nd edition of this bestselling book continues its reputation as a dependable and outstanding evidence-based source on acquired motor speech disorders in adults.
"The Handbook of Clinical Linguistics" brings together an international team of contributors to create an original, in-depth survey of the field for students and practitioners of speech-language pathology, linguistics, psychology, and education.
That linguistics, L2 acquisition and speech pathology impinge on each other in areas of vital importance to each discipline seems to be almost undeniable.
This dictionary provides clear and concise explanations of terms used in the field of speech, therapy pathology and relevant terms in related fields including augmentative, alternative communication, hearing, linguistic, medicine, phonetics/phonology and psychology/psychiatry.
Written specifically with speech-language pathology assistants (SLPAs) in mind, Speech-Language Pathology Assistants: A Resource Manual, is a practical, easy-to-use manual that can be used by both SLPAs and SLPAs educators. The text defines the roles of SLPAs and their supervisors - offering additional insight into the scope of practice of an SLPA.
Mosby's Dictionary of Medicine, Nursing & Health Professions has been acclaimed by students and educators for its clarity, comprehensiveness and currency. Now in its second edition, a thorough revision of this definitive reference for the ANZ region enhances the classic Mosby dictionary features and sees in its over 2000 pages.
A major new reference work with entries covering the entire field of communication and speech disorders. It offers almost 200 detailed entries, covering the entire range of communication and speech disorders in children and adults, from basic science to clinical diagnosis.
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