There are two main methods to add online resources, Cite it! and Create.
To add an online resource from your browser, first add the Cite it! tool to your browser bookmarks menu bar.
1) Click on your user icon on the top right hand side of the screen and select Cite it!. Do not drag Cite it! from here into your bookmarks bar. |
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2) Once you click on Cite it!, the following window will pop up. From here drag the Cite it! button onto your web browser's bookmarks bar. If the bookmark/favorite bar does not show in your browser, you need to add it. For instructions on adding the bookmark/favorite bar, go to 'Add bookmark bar to browser'. |
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3) Cite it! now sits in your bookmarks. |
4) Whenever you would like to add a freely accessible resource from a website to your Reading List, open the resource and the click on Cite it! in your bookmarks bar to add the resource. A form pops up that is automatically populated with the resource information. Make sure the correct information is applied to the resource. Select the Reading List and Section the resource should be applied to and select Add & Close. There will be some resources where Cite it! won't work. In that case add the resource using the Blank Form (see information below). If your Cite it! button stops working (in case of doubt, check the functionality by testing it on a YouTube clip), delete Cite it! and add it back on, following the steps above. In order for Cite it! to work consistently, login into Reading List through your Learnline unit before using it.
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For more information go to: | Add citations via Cite it! widget |
Use the Blank Form to add a reading manually, if it can't be located through Library Search and CiteIt did not work.
1) Select Add Items from the menu bar. |
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2) After selecting Add Items you can select from three options: Library Search, Blank Form or Collection. To manually add a resource, select Blank Form. |
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3) Fill in the resource details (put the URL into the Source field), the appropriate section in the reading list and then click Add. Please make sure that you fill in as much information as possible. You can also drag and drop or upload a PDF file before selecting Add. Please note that most files we will have to remove before we publish the Reading List, due to copyright restrictions not allowing us to publish someone else's documents. But we will make sure that the link works. The file will be helpful when we check the list, to make sure the correct link is attached to the reading.
For more information go to: |