Refugees by Justin Healey
Chapter 1: Asylum Seekers and Immigration Detention Seeking asylum within Australia, Myths and facts about asylum seekers, Managing Australia's borders, 90% of asylum seekers win refugee status, Asylum seekers and detention in Australia timeline, Mandatory detention policy overturned, Asylum seekers: new refugee solution needs legal help, An era of shame we can ill afford to forgive or forget, Unwarranted cruelty, Let's give 'softer' approach for those seeking asylum a chance, New directions in detention 7F 13 restoring integrity to Australia's immigration system, Immigration detention and human rights -- Chapter 2: Australia's Refugee Program Refugees and internally displaced persons, Australia's refugee and humanitarian program, Australia's refugee program: frequently asked questions, Australia's refugee program: facts and stats, Refugee policy under the Rudd Government 7F 13 the first year.
"Around the world, an increasing number of people are being forced to flee their homes, unable to return due to a well founded fear of persecution because of either their race, religion, nationality, membership of a particular social group, or political opinion. There are currently an estimated 740,000 individuals worldwide awaiting a decision regarding their asylum claim. Each year Australia accepts about 13,000 people under its Humanitarian Program. What are Australia's obligations towards asylum seekers and refugees who seek a better life on our shores? This book reviews past policies, and examines the current Federal Government's policies regarding asylum seekers and refugees. Topics include immigration detention issues, settlement services, the difficulties faced by refugees, and community attitudes towards asylum seekers and refugees." -- Publisher's website.
Call Number: 325.210994 REFU
ISBN: 9781921507069