Do I need any special software to use the site?
Most of AccessEngineering displays using a standard web browser. Javascript must be installed for certain features, such as the interactive graphs.
Can I print the content in AccessEngineering?
Yes. When you are at a section that you wish to print, click on the PRINT button on the upper right corner of the page. Note that you must create and be signed into your personal account in order to print content.
How can I maximize the effectiveness of my searches on AccessEngineering?
AccessEngineering has a powerful search engine that enables users to quickly find the answers they need.
The search engine used relies on Boolean operators. If you search for “power and supply”, our search engine performs four searches – one for each individual word and one for any combination of them. If you put the three words in quote marks, then it will search for the whole phrase. If you mean “or”, then put “or”. Advanced Search functionality is also available.
Filters make it very easy to narrow down search results. Available filters include engineering disciplines and processes, content type, and book title.
AccessEngineering search results are also supplemented by synonyms found in the INSPEC thesaurus. So if you enter ‘power and supply’, as well as the searches across each word and combination, AccessEngineering searches for synonyms related to each word.
Our calculator tools streamline calculations that are time-consuming to perform by hand, but not so complicated as to necessitate using a specialized software program. By embedding the relevant formulas directly into Excel workbooks, these calculators enable you to enter input data and quickly get the answer you seek within a software program that you already use every day. Direct links to the source content and additional related material are provided in the spreadsheets for all calculations.