Just like any other source, information from grey literature needs to be critically evaluated to determine the quality of the information, and the relevance to your research. This is particularly important as grey literature has not usually received the same quality checking as peer reviewed published material. However it may still be reliable information for your research, and important to include to minimise any bias in your research
Grey literature should ideally be appraised to the same standards as those used to evaluate any other literature. The information and activities on evaluating information sources provides excellent information and guidance on how to evaluate all your sources, grey or not.
Grey literature can be difficult to find and access
The quality of grey literature is variable
The ACCODS checklist provides six criteria for judging the quality of grey information (Authority, Accuracy, Coverage, Objectivity, Date, Significance).
It has been designed as an evaluation and critical appraisal tool specifically for use with grey literature sources, by Jessica Tyndall from the Flinders University Medical Library.
It is a useful tool to assist with assessing the quality of grey literature for your research.
Access the AACODS checklist.