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ALIA Top End PD Afternoon: Fun Tools

The Guide for ALIA PD Afternoon

Free On-line photo editors

Educational channels on YouTube


Color theory 101

The impression that our work gives depends on a myriad of different factors. One of the most important factors of any design is color.


Firefox Extension - A very simple extension for picking web colors. Copy the rgb or hex color code of any pixel displayed in the browser to the clipboard (in CSS/HTML format).


Chrome Extension - ColorZilla, one of the most popular Firefox developer extensions with over 5 million downloads is finally available for Chrome!


Adobe Kuler: Color wheel | Color schemes

Create color schemes with the color wheel or browse thousands of color combinations from the Kuler community. Create color scheme from a picture.

Paletton - The Color Scheme Designer

A designer tool for creating color combinations that work together well.



Lynda - Color Training and Tutorials

Learn the basics of color theory, and using color in design and art. Our "colorful" tutorials cover working with the color wheel, color correction, color management, color palettes, color in branding, and more

"FONTS" are fun too! (but don't mix them, it can look awful...)


Pull Readers in with Entry Points

When designing your layout, think and work type first using style, size, color, and weight to create unity and variety. The heading or headings, lead paragraph, and any pull quotes should function as entry points with those different typographic levels offering a variety of visual flavors for your readers to feast on..


Type Classifications

Firefox Extension - A very simple extension for picking web colors. Copy the rgb or hex color code of any pixel displayed in the browser to the clipboard (in CSS/HTML format).


Typographic Foundation

A tour of the ground floor where the basics of typeface structure are explored and the beginnings of typographic communication is outlined.


The best faces for the screen

Verdana and Georgia. Microsoft hired noted type designer Matthew Carter to design serif and sans serif families especially for the screen. The results are perhaps the two easiest-to-read fonts you have seen on your screen.


Establish a Mood with Typography

The typefaces you select for a project can impact what people think as much as the actual message you convey.



Paletton - The Color Scheme Designer

A designer tool for creating color combinations that work together well.

Typography: Choosing and Combining Typefaces

With the hundreds of thousands of typefaces that are now available, knowing which to choose and how to combine them (or not) can seem intimidating and complicated.

The 33 Laws of Typography

Typography, done right, can enrich any message, making it beautiful and easy to understand. In this course, Jill Butler distills her many years of teaching and design consulting into 33 laws of typography.

Making it interesting with images!

9 free stock image sites! 3 image aggregator sites! 10s of thousands of images!

The Rules

Cool Tools!!!!

Researching for your assignment

There are many ways to find information, but it is often difficult to judge which sources might be appropriate for your assignment. The answer is CRAAP!

(the original)

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